About Me

Photographer Director Writer Producer

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The First

The Blog

There is a magnet on my fridge. I found it while I was shopping for a picture box to hold a client's proofs.  The magnet is about three inches by three inches, solid white, and the only thing it reads in black type is: ‘begin anywhere.’  I was overwhelmed by it. The idea is so simple and perfect. Begin anywhere. I try to do this everyday. I’m going to do it here - but we should all know that this blog isn’t going to be about any one particular thing. I’d very much like to talk about photography, post some photos and perhaps explore some of the "behind the scenes" antics that make shooting such a great time. I would also like to talk about film making from the perspective of a writer/director - and also from the angle of a man who turns into a child with sheer excitement every morning before any kind of shoot. 
Though I cannot say I’ll stick to those two topics, let’s just say I’ll be keeping the focus of the blog pretty well open. I tend to rant from time to time and I’d hate to keep myself from saying something that I’ll be made to regret later on! 

We begin here and now. 

I’m able to write this blog because I have a lot of spare time on my hands.  I recently quit my job at One King West Hotel and Residence, a hotel in downtown Toronto.  Here is a picture of me as a doorman – a job that was like battling a team of ESL Salmon (I'll touch more on this another day).

When I started, it was a blast.  I was working with several actor friends of mine, so it seemed more like a forced hangout session than work.  In fact, it was such a good time that my brother, Kyle, and I created and produced an hour-long pitch pilot.
Here is a little clip. 

This video doesn't seem to work.  Here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wePF3lPJX-g&feature=related   Check it out I think you might like it. 

Back to the now. I quit the job to pursue photography professionally, where I specialize in actor headshots and model tests and a variety of commissioned work . It had been a plan of mine to just be photographing for a while, though I must admit I jumped the gun on quitting my day job.  Sometimes a man just has enough and he has to say, ‘fuck it - this just isn’t worth it.’  I said just that and I can honestly say I’ve never made a better decision in my entire life. I wake up happy. I feel very little stress. Life seems to be a lot closer to perfect. Don’t get me wrong - realizing that rent happens on the 1st, whether you’re ready or not, can put a lovely amount of pressure on your chest instantaneously.

I’ll be shooting and blogging as often as possible.  And who knows?  I may even come up with something fun to read about.  I’ll surely give you something to look at.  So until next time, dear reader, selah! 


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